- 1. Cleaning.
- 2. Curing the platen before mounting the pad.
- 3. Cure time after mounting the pad.
- 4. Double side application.
- 5. Beveling the edge of the pad. Why?
- 6. Mounting pad sections to an oversize plate.
- 1. Platens should be cleaned with Acetone to remove any residue followed by a final cleaning wipe down with Electronic Grade IPA. Note: Use only Acetone and Electronic Grade IPA to clean a plate. Nothing else.
- 2. Before mounting the adhesive backed pad(s), heat the platen(s) to 75 - 80°F (24 - 27°C). This prevents moisture from absorbing onto the surface. A heat gun or heat lamp will work.
- 3. The pad(s) then needs to be carefully applied to the platen immediately before the platen cools preventing moisturee from collecting on the platen. It can take up to 72 hours before the pad reaches bond strength. 3 to 4 hours is an acceptable minimum for a bond. An Aluminum platen needs 72 to hours to cure. A Cast Iron and Granite platen suggest a minimum of 4 hours. However, 12 hours to cure is preferred.
- 4. If it is a Double-Sided machine, the top platen should be gently lowered to the bottom platen and pressure applied for a solid bond to take place.
- 5. The edges of a pad(s) should be chamfered (beveled) to approximately a 45° angle. This prevents any snagging of the edges that can cause moisture to migrate under the pad(s). When moisture makes contact with the adhesive and the platen, a premature release of the Pressure Sensitive Adhesive (PSA) happens.
- 6. When you are mounting pads in section to a platen, it is very critical that the edge(s) seal between each section. Suggestion: Have the pad sections cut oversize, bonded to the platen and then with a sharp blade, cut down the middle of the oversize pads, peel away the excess piece from each pad and then press the new edge of each pad together. The result is a perfect fit between the pads.